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Charter School Petition Guidelines

Charter School Petition Guidelines

Dr. Chantara Rumph-Carter,

Director of Charter Schools and Strategic Improvement



This document serves as a guide to assist charter petitioners and applicants in communicating how they will create a comprehensive education program that supports the vision of Georgia’s Charter School Act and Clayton County Public School’s mission and goals. The document seeks to spell out clear guidelines and expectations for drafting and submitting charter proposals and applications. The guidelines and expectations were created to accompany the Clayton County Public School’s Charter School Checklist and the Georgia Department of Education Charter School Petition Checklist. An approved letter of intent must precede the petition for it to be considered by Clayton County Board of Education.

Petitioners are advised to pay careful attention and follow all instructions in the application. When providing details, descriptions, or specific procedures and/or processes, be sure to provide information that ensures the response is properly addressed. The applicant’s responses need to have sufficient detail so that the reviewers can reasonably ascertain that the applicants have an in-depth knowledge of what will actually be expected from the school should the application be approved and a charter granted.

Finally, the charter writing and review process is rigorous and should not be treated lightly. Each application/petition is reviewed and evaluated based on several factors including program innovation, a demonstrably effective curriculum and academic plan, solid financial planning, depth and breadth of community support, carefully designed accountability measures, evidence of strong academic leadership, and an effective governing board with meaningful by-laws. If a proposed school or school location is determined not to be in the public interest, the Clayton County Board of Education has the authority to deny the petition.

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