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General Directions

The Clayton County Schools Performing Arts Center (PAC) is located approximately 18 miles south of Atlanta, Georgia just off Interstate 75. The PAC is four exits south of Interstate 285, the outer loop Interstate highway which rings Atlanta proper. It is located in Clayton County, Georgia just 5 miles from Southlake Mall, 10 miles south of the Atlanta Airport and 25 minutes drive time from downtown Atlanta. The PAC is accessible from anywhere in the metropolitan Atlanta area by Interstate highways.


2530 Mt. Zion Parkway  - Jonesboro, GA 30236
(770) 473-2875 / (770) 473-2877(fax)

From the North:
Take Interstate 75 South to Exit 231, Mt. Zion Boulevard, West. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp. Turn left at the first traffic light onto Mt. Zion Parkway. Proceed on Mt. Zion Parkway approximately one (1) mile, straight through one traffic light and the Performing Arts Center is on your left, just past the Kaiser Permanente Health Care building.

From the South:
Take Interstate 75 North to Exit 231, Mt. Zion Boulevard. Turn left at the end of the exit ramp. Turn left at the first traffic light onto Mt. Zion Parkway. Proceed on Mt. Zion Parkway approximately one (1) mile, straight through one traffic light and the Performing Arts Center is on your left, just past the Kaiser Permanente Health Care building.

From Riverdale, Georgia:
Take Highway 138 and follow the new spur road to 138 West. Turn left and proceed to Fielder Road. Turn left onto Fielder and proceed nearly 5 miles and turn left onto Mt. Zion Parkway. The Performing Arts Center is 1/2 mile on right.

From North Riverdale:
Take Upper Riverdale Road to Interstate 75 and go south to Exit 75A (this exit will be re-numbered Exit 231 sometime between January and July 2000). Follow the directions from the North above.

From Morrow/Rex area:
Follow Maddox Road to Mt. Zion Blvd., turn right. After you cross Interstate 75, turn left at the first traffic light. Performing Arts Center is 1 mile on left, through one traffic light.

From I-675/Highway 42 area:
Take Fielder Road off Highway 42. Proceed on Fielder approximately 3 miles, cross over Interstate 75 and turn right on first street. Performing Arts Center is 1 mile on right.

From South Clayton/Fayette County:
Go north on Highway 19/41 or Georgia 85 until you reach Highway 138. Follow directions above from South Riverdale.

From North Clayton County:
Take Interstate 75 South to Exit 231 or take Forest Parkway to Highway 42 and turn right (South) and proceed to Fielder Road (then see above).