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Martha Ellen Stilwell Art Gallery

About the Martha Ellen Stilwell Art Gallery

The Martha Ellen Stilwell Art Gallery is dedicated to Martha Ellen Stilwell, former Fine Arts Coordinator for Clayton County and a firm supporter of the arts in every shape and kind for all students. Under her leadership, Clayton County's choral music programs became nationally known and featured at clinics across the Southeast. Her leadership as Fine Arts Coordinator was inspiring to all those who worked with her. It is this vision and sensitivity to the artistic muse that is celebrated in the Art Gallery at the PAC.

The Art Gallery features work of Clayton County students, residents and teachers throughout the year. It is a highlight of any visit to the Performing Arts Center.

Stilwell Art Gallery

A view from the main lobby into the Stilwell Art Gallery.

A closer look at some of the art displayed in the Martha Ellen Stilwell Art Gallery at the Clayton County Schools Performing Arts Center

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