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Vision/Mission Statements

Vision/Mission Statements

Vision/Aspiration Statement

The vision of Clayton County Public Schools is to prepare ALL graduates to have the skills to pursue and accomplish college, post-secondary training, and/or career opportunities in order to live and compete successfully in a global society. 


Mission Statement

The mission of Clayton County Public Schools is to empower scholars to achieve academic, professional, and personal goals by providing equitable access and experiences that build skills in literacy, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration.

Core Belief Statements

We believe children have the first priority and right to all fiscal and human resources.

We believe educational practices should be equitable and multicultural with the understanding that education is the shared responsibility of the scholar, the parent/guardian, the school, and the community.


We believe communication and understanding among all stakeholders of our diverse community are essential to achieving the goals of education.

We believe that learning is a continuous process and most productive when the needs of each child are met through high quality instruction provided by competent and caring adults.

We believe a learning environment where everyone experiences security, care, dignity, and respect is essential.

We believe that arts and culture cultivate the whole child, gradually building literacy while developing imagination, skill, reasoning, and intuition into unique forms of expression and communication.

We believe that equality is a fundamental human right and a necessary foundation for scholars everywhere.

We believe that integrating financial literacy education throughout the K-12 experience represents a promising opportunity to reach scholars at pivotal points in their development and financial lives.

Strategic Goals

1. Literacy For All 

2. Highly Effective Teachers, Leaders, and Staff

3. Safe, Healthy, and Supportive Learning Environments 

4. Effective and Sustainable Operational Practices 

5. Equitable Systems

6. Education In and Through The Arts

Click to view Full Strategic Improvement Plan.

Clayton County Public Schools Portrait of a Graduate

Clayton County Public Schools graduates will be able to...

read proficiently and critically in order to use knowledge to solve problems;

communicate effectively when writing and speaking;

demonstrate noble character as an engaged, well-rounded citizen;

exude self-awareness, self-management, and self-confidence;

leverage technology efficiently and creatively;

lead, collaborate, and contribute to a team and community;

manifest passions into realities; and

exhibit cultural awareness and responsiveness and international competitiveness in order to adapt and keep pace with an ever-evolving world.