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Dr. Deatrice Dee Haney

Board of Education

Dr. Deatrice Dee Haney


District Five
Four Year Term: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2020

Dr. Deatrice D. Haney “Dr. Dee” Bio


Coming from humble beginnings, Dr. Deatrice D. Haney- “Dr. Dee” is no stranger to the community.  As a child and under the nurturing of her parents and maternal grandmother, community service, education, and a grounded faith were key principles within her family.  As an inquisitive child who believed in asking questions, reading everything, and aiding others, this further propelled Dr. Dee to serve in her community in various capacities.  She has also been recognized as leader in her civic, educational, entrepreneurial, and professional career.

Deepening her efforts to sustain equitable education for 55,000 students, she now serves in an elected position with the Clayton County Board of Education-District 5. 

She continues her pursuit for educational excellence as she is the Chairwoman of the SAT/ACT Leadership Enrichment Academy, Inc.

In addition, her advocacy extends to children who are in desolate situations stemming from child abuse and neglect.  In like manner, her advocacy allowed a greater opportunity to serve in a community leadership role as the former Chairwoman of Friends of Clayton County Advisory Board for Clayton County CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate).  Equally important, Dr. Dee remains involved with legislation that focuses on child welfare and juvenile delinquency by serving as a coalition member of Georgia Voices and JUSTGeorgia.


In addition, Dr. Dee is a catalyst for positive change for community progression and sustainability.  Dr. Dee continues to work collaboratively within her community by serving on the Clayton County Chamber of Commerce Economic Development and Government Affairs committees.

Additionally, she has worked in corporate America in various roles, an inspirational speaker, and founded a life purpose coaching practice for women (It’s  Your Time), as well as a nonprofit organization Cho’Sen, LLC (Cultivating Helpful Opportunities for Sisters through Empowered Networking); with focus on enabling women to become self-sufficient and to build their self-confidence.

Educationally, Dr. Dee received both her Ph.D. and Master’s degrees in Public Administration and Criminal Justice from Walden University and a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree from Mercer University in Organizational Leadership and Criminal Justice.