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Joy Tellis Cooper

Board of Education

Ms. Joy Tellis Cooper, District 8


                                               Four Year Term: September 21,2021 to December 31,20212022

Joy Tellis Cooper attended Clark Atlanta University and obtained her Bachelor’s Degree and Georgia Southern University with her MBA.  Joy was recently elected as District 8 School Board member in Clayton County.  

In 2012, she became a alumnus of Leadership Clayton (Chamber of Commerce) and 2011 a graduate of GrassRoot Leadership where she later set on the board as the chair.  Joy has over 20 years experience in Accounting, but her love and passion has always been in the community.  She also supplied school supplies and equipment for student in her hometown for 10 years through her nonprofit Tellis Cooper Foundation which was called The Annual Family Day in the Park.  She also established a scholarship with CAU School of Business Alumni Network Affiliate (SBANA) along with CAU School of business to form the Joy Tellis Cooper book scholarship which is awarded to a student twice a year.

Joy is always striving for personal development.  She is a member of a business professional sorority Gamma Phi Delta, Former Member of Budget Advisory Committee for Clayton County School Board, Past President of Clayton County Federation of Democratic Women (Founding member), President of Adamson Middle school PTSA and was School Council Committee Chair.  She was asked in 2006 to be on the Superintendent Advisory Board and SAC's committee for Clayton County Schools, National Black MBA Association, Project Management Institute, Member of SBANA, CAU National Alumni Association, Former Treasurer of Woman of CAU (Founding member).  

Joy was awarded the Distinguished Young Alumna Award from Ruston High School Alumni Association for her volunteer efforts in the Ruston community. 

She continues to strive to be a better person for not only herself but for the community.