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Mary Baker

Board of Education

Mary Baker 


District Six
Four Year Term: January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2020

Mary Baker was elected to Clayton County Board of Education in September 2008 to fill the seat representing District 6. Ms. Baker attended college in Oregon and was a Rotary Exchange Student to Chihuahua, Mexico. She holds a CDA in Early Childhood Development and has taught preschool for 20 years.

Before serving on the Board, Ms. Baker was a member of the school councils of Mt. Zion Elementary and Roberts Middle schools. She served 4 years on the Citizens Budget Committee, along with participating in the Superintendent's Advisory Council. Over the years, Mary has volunteered her time at Mt. Zion and Jackson Elementary, Roberts Middle, Lovejoy and Jonesboro High schools. Ms. Baker's involvement in the community includes serving as Chairman of the Clayton County Coalition for Quality Education. She also worked with the Boys and Girls Task Force.While on the Board, Ms. Baker has strived to work in a positive and professional manner. One of her happiest moments was when Clayton County Public Schools Accreditation was restored, free & clear in May 2011. She continues to promote the great things achieved by the students and staff of the school district. It has always been her personal belief that in order to fix a problem, you have to be part of the solution because there isn't anything more important than our children.

Ms. Baker and her husband, Randy, have lived in Clayton County for 30+ years and have two children who graduated from Clayton County Public Schools.