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Sabrina Hill

Sabrina Hill


Sabrina Hill, a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, relocated to Georgia in 1993 with her family and is a proud  twenty-year resident. Sabrina thrives off her love for her family and enjoys spending quality time with her  children and grandchildren.  

Sabrina has overcome many feats in her life that propelled her into the area of education. She obtained her  Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resources Administration and a Master’s in Business Administration with a  minor in Criminal Justice from St. Leo University. Her current twenty-year role as the Legal Office Coordinator  for the DeKalb County Public Defender’s Office is one of many experiences contributing to her thirty-plus  years in the city, local, and state government. 

Sabrina’s love for education led her down a path as a substitute teacher and volunteer. Eventually, it inspired  her to run for a seat on the Clayton County Board of Education. Through perseverance and faith, Sabrina Hill  won the election and was sworn in for District 7 in 2021. Her devotion to children and their quality of  education, specifically reading and comprehension, motivated her to gain an understanding of issues impacting  public education on the local, state, and national levels. Her education, abilities, affiliations and her consistent  presence at educational conferences, such as the National Educational Association Conference (NEA), have  honed her skills and made her a perfect representative of public service. It is clear that Sabrina Hill embodies  growth and excellence. 

Last but not least, Sabrina is strong in her faith. Anyone that has encountered her knows of her profound love  for God. Sabrina possesses a servant’s heart and plays an active role in her church and community. She serves  as the 2nd Vice President of the Clayton County Federation of Democratic Women and is an involved member  of the Board of Directors for DeKalb County Benevolent Funds Committee and the Human Services  Department Grant Review Committee. She is a proud servant of the Faith Lifter’s Ministry at the Light of Joy  Church in Riverdale, Georgia, where she has been a member for ten years. If the question is asked, “how would  you sum up Sabrina Hill in one word,” many would respond with pride and confidence, “servant.”  

Sabrina is a clear example of her favorite quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “Be the change you wish to see in the  world.”