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Cognia Award Ceremony

Cognia Awards Ceremony

Posted on 11/18/2021

On Thursday, November 18, Clayton County Public Schools Superintendent/CEO of Schools, Dr. Morcease J. Beasley, was presented the 2021 Cognia Values Driven Award. The ceremony took place during the organization's Excellence in Education Luncheon in Atlanta, Georgia.

The award was presented by the accreditation/certification agency in recognition of Superintendent Beasley’s work in elevating instructional opportunities for all students throughout Clayton County Public Schools. It was also presented for his commitment and dedication to “create worlds of opportunity on behalf of the district’s students & making a difference in the quality of the communities served by Clayton County Public Schools.”

Celebrating with Dr. Beasley at the luncheon were Clayton County Board of Education Chair Ms. Jessie Goree, District Three; Board member Sabrina Hill, District Seven; and Board member Joy Tellis Cooper, District Eight.

“I accept this award on behalf of the collective effort of our Clayton County Board of Education, our more than 7,000 employees, our students and their families and our communities that we serve who are essential to the work being done and the successes being achieved by our district,” Dr. Beasley said. “I am humbled by this honor.”

Please join Clayton County Public Schools as we congratulate Dr. Morcease J. Beasley on earning this outstanding accolade and commend the Cognia agency for making the recognition opportunity available.