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Dr. Charmine Johnson

Charmine Johnson has 29 years of experience in public education. She received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Early Childhood Education from the University of Georgia in 1993, and subsequently, began her career as a third grade teacher at Cleveland Avenue Elementary School in the Atlanta Public School System. While teaching at Cleveland Avenue, she earned a  Master of Education Degree in Special Education from Georgia State University.

Dr. Johnson moved to Charlotte, North Carolina in 1996 and taught third grade at Pinewood Elementary School. There she was selected as a recipient of the North Carolina Principal Fellows Scholarship. This scholarship allowed her to work full-time on her Master of Education Degree in School Administration and Supervision at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC) and work with a master principal at the elementary level.

Upon graduation from UNCC, she served as assistant principal at Hornets Nest Elementary School in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mrs. Johnson would later return to Atlanta and accept a position as assistant principal at Lovejoy Middle School where she worked for four years. She was then appointed principal of M.D. Roberts Middle School where she served for ten years before being promoted to Assistant Superintendent of School Leadership and Improvement for Clayton County Public Schools. Ms. Johnson has served as an assistant superintendent for six years and has truly enjoyed supporting and serving the schools in Cluster D.

“I believe our role as educators is to provide every child with every opportunity to experience success.  As educators, we have to realize this opportunity may look different for each child that we serve and we owe it to them to determine what this opportunity should look like.”