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Dr. Reynard Walker

Reynard Walker is the Chief of Safety and Security for Clayton County Public Schools. He was formerly the Major of Administrative and Field Operations with the Clayton County School Police Department. 

Chief Walker began his career in public safety in 1995 where he worked as a Corrections Officer for Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola (Louisiana). He later relocated to metro Atlanta in 1998 began working with the Clayton County Police Department and worked as a Patrolman, School Resource Officer, and Supervisor until 2012. He then became the Manager of Safety and Security of Clayton County Public Schools and was integral in the creation of the Clayton County Schools Police Department. He was also formerly the Safe Schools Coordinator with the DeKalb County School District. 

Reynard Walker is a native of Belle Glade, Florida. He attended Alcorn State University in Mississippi and St. Leo University where he earned a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice in 2007. He subsequently earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Saint Leo University in 2009. Chief Walker has also earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Organizational Leadership.