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Perry Learning Center
137 Spring Street - Bldg. 200
Jonesboro, Ga. 30236

GED and ESL Courses
Monday thru Thursday

8 am - 10:30 am 
11 am - 2:00 pm

Monday and Wednesday
9:00 am


Forest Park High School
5452 Phillips Dr.
Forest Park, Ga. 30297
Phone: 770-515-7610

GED and ESL Courses
Monday and Wednesday
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Monday and Wednesday

5:30 pm


Battle Creek Library
865 Battle Creek Rd.
Jonesboro, Ga. 30236
Phone: 770-515-7610

GED Courses
Monday thru Wednesday
8:30 - 11:30 am 
11:30 am - 2 pm

Monday and Tuesday
5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Hearts to Nourish Hope
640 Highway 138
Riverdale, Ga. 30274
Phone: 770-515-7610

GED Courses
Tuesday thru Thursday
9:00 am-12:00 pm
12:30 pm-3:00 pm

Tuesday and Thursday
5:30 pm-8:30 pm