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Testing Information

Pre-Testing for GED Classes

To begin GED classes in the Clayton County Public Schools Adult Education Program (CCPSAEP), it is required that students take the TABE Examination prior to beginning classes. The TABE Examination is a free test that is offered by CCPSAE and the assessment will measure each student's proficiencies in the areas of mathematics,  language, and reading. This is not a pass or fail exam. The scores each student receives on the TABE Examination will aid in class placement and personalized lesson scheduling.


Note: The TABE Examination is NOT the same as the GED examination. The TABE Examination is a requirement of the state of Georgia to enter any Adult Education Program. Students are still required to take and pass the Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts parts of the GED with a 145+ to earn a GED diploma.


Post-Testing for GED Classes

Post-testing means that each student will have to take the TABE exam again after 40 classroom or virtual hours in the CCPSAEP. This is how CCPSAEP determines if students have made any improvements, what students still need to work on, and if students are ready to take the GED examination.