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Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable


The goal of the Clayton County Public Schools' Accounts Payable department is to pay its obligations in a timely and accurate manner with the goal of maintaining a working relationship with the business community.

Clayton County Public School
Accounts Payable Department
Phone: 770-473-2700

Accounts Payable Manager

Falisha Smith





Accounting Technician

Maritza Calderon-Ruiz


Accounting Technician

Kierra Johnson


Accounting Technician Tanya Maiden  700127

Travel Regulations Guidelines:

Clayton County Public Schools' employees are allowed reimbursement for travel-related expenses incurred while on official business for the county. All travel requests must be pre-approved by the department head. Travel reimbursement request must be submitted on the Employee Travel Expense Statement accompanied by all supporting documentation. The employee must maintain original receipts for all applicable expenses to include: lodging, airfare, tolls, parking fees, etc.