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Vendor Information and Forms

Instructions for Completing Vendor and Immigration Forms

Any individual, firm, or corporation, who is interested in contracting with Clayton County Public Schools for the physical performance of services including, but not limited to schools and central offices, the applicable Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance documents must be completed, signed, notarized and attached to your registration in Vendor Self Services.

The Illegal Immigration Reform and Enforcement Act of 2011 (House Bill 87) went into effect on July 1, 2011. Vendors are required to register with the Department of Homeland Security website. Vendors will be given a registration number (EEV/Company Identification Number) which must be included on the Contractor and Subcontractor Affidavit. Clayton County Public Schools strictly enforce this law.

The following items are required during registration:

Substitute W-9 Form

E-Verify Number (Company ID Number):
E-Verify Website is a web-based system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States: 

     * Contractor Affidavit
     * Subcontractor Affidavit
     * No Employee Affidavit for E-Verify 

Business Enterprise Classification(s):
To ensure that all vendors have an equal opportunity to provide products or services, we strongly encourage certified vendors to indicate the following Business Enterprise classifications during registration:

     * DVBE - Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
     * DBE - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
     * LBE - Local Business Enterprise
     * LSBE - Local Small Business Enterprise
     * MBE - Minority Business Enterprise
     * WBE - Women Business Enterprise

Commodity Code(s)
     * Information Guide

Vendors not successfully registered in VSS, cannot be paid until ALL items above are received and processed.