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The Division of Business Services directs the development of an operating budget based on the local ability and desire to support the school system and on other sources of support. 

Like all school districts in the state, Clayton County Public Schools is dependently funded. The money for the operating budget comes from local, state, and federal sources.

The Superintendent, department heads, managers, school administrators, and community leaders work together to develop a budget that is presented to the Clayton County Board of Education. The Board discusses, reviews, and amends the drafts of the budget before approving a final version.

Our goal is to have a balanced budget each year, while budgeting revenue funds in a manner that meets strategic plan priorities, specifically, providing a safe and orderly learning environment for all students.

Clayton County Public School
Division of Business Services
Phone: 770-473-2700 Fax: 770-603-5765

Director Shawannda Wilson 700368
Coordinator Regina Hudson 700170
Grants/Budget Analyst  Bruce Reese 700344 
Financial Analyst Vacant 700152