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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When is pay day?
    Payday is the last work day of each month. If this day falls on the weekend, it is the Friday before.

  • Where is my paycheck sent?
    Your payroll check will be distributed at your primary location on pay day, unless you are a substitute. Sub checks are mailed to the employee’s home address.

  • Can my check be direct deposited?
    Yes! CCPS encourages all employees to take advantage of direct deposit. You can obtain a direct deposit election form from your primary location or on the CCPS website. Please note this process may take up to two months.

  • When will I receive my first paycheck and what do I need to do to ensure I get paid?
    You will receive your first paycheck at the end of your first month, if you work any days prior to the payroll cutoff for your position. To ensure that you are paid, make sure that your location has processed a PAF (personnel action form) for you and you have completed and returned all of your required paperwork prior to the payroll cutoff.

  • What should I do if I do not receive my paycheck or it appears to be incorrect?
    In both cases, consult the payroll designee at your location first. This may mean that you were not set up in the system for processing or that no earnings were entered for you in this pay period.

  • How is my sick leave calculated?
    Sick leave is earned at 1.25 days per month of which 3 of these days may be used as personal leave. Employees that work less than 240 days accumulate leave from September to June.|

  • Will the Payroll Department make loans or advance in pay to employees?

  • Who should I contact if my address changes?
    Please contact the payroll designee at your location and complete a change of address form as soon as possible.

  • If my payroll designee is unable to answer my questions, who do I contact?
    Please email your local Payroll Technician under location 700 or call to schedule an appointment.