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Purchasing Department

The Purchasing Department is responsible for the bidding process and the purchasing of supplies and services for Clayton County Public Schools.

The National Purchasing Institute has honored Clayton County Public Schools with its 11th consecutive “Achievement of Excellence in Procurement” Award.  Clayton County Public Schools faithfully adheres to the highest purchasing standards, including those developed by the National Purchasing Institute, the Institute of Supply Management, and the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing.

This prestigious award recognizes Clayton County Public Schools for their innovation, professionalism, productivity, e-procurement advances, and organizational excellence in public procurement.  The National Purchasing Institute designed this annual award program in 1995 and is comprised of professional purchasing personnel from across the country dedicated to the development of efficient purchasing methods and practices in the areas of governmental, educational, and institutional procurement.


I.        Give first consideration to the mission and policies of Clayton County Public Schools.
II.      Strive to obtain maximum value for each dollar spent. 
III.     Decline personal favors, gifts, and gratuities. 
IV.      Grant all competitive Contractors fair and equal consideration.
V.        Conduct business with potential and current Contractors in an atmosphere of good faith.
VI.       Demand honesty in sales representations whether offered through the medium of a verbal or written statement,
         an advertisement, or a sample of the product.
VII.     Receive consent from the originator for the use of proprietary ideals and designs.
VIII.   Make a reasonable effort to obtain equitable settlement of any controversy with a Contractor.
IX.       Accord a prompt and courteous reception insofar as conditions permit to all who call on legitimate business missions.
X.         Create an environment of fair, ethical, and legal business practices.
XI.       Protect Clayton County Public Schools’ interest by ensuring that Contractors honor all terms of their contracts.