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School Finance

School Finance is a department located with Business Services, designed to account for funds held by a school in a trustee capacity or as an agent for students, club organizations, teachers and the general administration of the school.

The management of school activity funds shall be in accordance with the best business practices, including sound budgetary and accounting procedures.

School Finance essentially means accounting for the financial activities in schools so that financial resources are used in an efficient and effective manner.

The objectives of School Finance are to:

  • Provide guidelines for the management of Student Activity funds
  • Promote operational efficiency within Student Activity funds
  • Ensure Student Activity funds maintain clear budgeting and audit trails

School Finance Department provides the following services:

  • Guidance in the area of school finance management
  • Support and training for Principals and Bookkeepers
  • Technical support with the School Cash System
School Finance Specialist Meica Dixson 700219

School Bookkeeper Specialist

Artavia Strozier 


School Bookkeeper Specialist Tiffany Rodriguez 700167