Communications, Public Relations & Marketing
1058 Fifth Avenue Jonesboro, GA 30236
Phone Number: 770-473-2700
About Us
The Department of Communications supports the goals, mission, vision, and Academic Achievement Plan of Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS). The department serves to facilitate communication between the district and the public (external) and schools and facilities within the district (internal). In addition, the Communications Department works to build productive partnerships for education while fostering community engagement at the school level and district-wide.
Department staff is focused on sending and receiving messages about academic standards, student achievement, opportunities for parental involvement, policies, procedures, and educational related events within the district. It seeks to build strong relationships of trust and cooperation between schools and communities that are focused on student achievement.
A variety of methods are used for sharing messages throughout the district and beyond. Press releases are submitted regularly to the local news media. Information is placed on the district website, multiple social media platforms, school marquees, district and school newsletters, and the district’s television station (Channel 24). A telephone notification system is also used to announce important events and to share emergency communication throughout the school year.
Our core objectives are to:
- Raise awareness
- Enhance CCPS' visibility
- Dispel outdated beliefs
- Spotlight achievements
- Address issues, and
- Bolster active engagement, trust and advocacy
Organizational Chart | Student Handbook |
Principal & Assistant Principals List | TV Services Request Form |
Stay in the loop by joining our email list. Email your first and last name and email address to: CCPSCommunications@