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Textbooks and Instructional Resources

Dekea Lemon
Coordinator of Instructional Resources
Marcella Davis
Instructional Resource Accountability Specialist
Derek Smith
Inventory Control Specialist



218 Stockbridge Rd, Jonesboro, GA 30236

Phone Number: 770.473.2825

Clayton County Public Schools is currently in the process of adopting 9-12 ELA textbook for the 2025-2026 school year. We currently welcome vendor submissions that meet the requirements as set forth in the adoption packet from September 11, 2024 through October 11, 2024.

ELA Adoption Fair

ELA 9-12 Sample Review Locations


How does Instructional Resources support each child's learning?

  • Instructional Resources distributes curriculum classroom material across the district
  • Instructional Resources facilitates the selection of instructional materials to ensure scholars have the best resources available.
  • Instructional Resources ensures digital access to all students.

What can a parent or guardian do at home to support their child's learning experiences?

  • Ensure that your scholar takes proper care and usage of all instructional materials obtained.
  • Ensure scholars return materials at the end of the school year for rising scholars.

What other departments or programs support student’s Instructional Resources?