Career Technology Student Organizations
In some cases, such as SkillsUSA, DECA and FBLA, etc. multiple teachers have students affiliated with the same CTSO. The school principal or his designee (T/CE supervisor) should determine which T/CE Teacher is the official sponsor of these CTSOs and which teachers serve as co-sponsors. The designated CTSO sponsor is responsible for membership, chapter affiliations, and all other related paperwork.
Teachers are not compensated with a supplement for serving as a CTSO sponsor. However, some of the requirements for extended day pay available to high school T/CE teachers include commitment to certain CTSO activities.
The DOE website contains basic information about each of the CTSOs. Links also provide access to additional information such as contacts, and calendars. In addition, many of the CTSO organizations have their own websites with much more detailed information.
Approval of expenses for teacher travel with CTSO related activities have a higher priority than teacher travel without students. Tax dollars may not be used to pay expenses incurred by students while attending CTSO activities, such as conferences and competitions. Consequently, student expenses must be covered by the student or come from other sources. Funds generated by the school store, through donations or through fundraising activities may be used to help pay student expenses. Budgeted tax funds allocated for instructional purposes may not be used for student travel expenses to CTSO activities except for some expenses related to providing transportation. See “Travel with Students” in the T/CE Handbook for Teachers and Administrators for additional information concerning transporting students.
DECA is specifically designed to provide activities for students to learn marketing, management, and entrepreneurial skills that will prepare them to pursue a career in the field of marketing. DECA members become more aware of the value of community service; participate in a local, state, and national competitive events program that showcases student skills and allows for interaction with the business community; further develop occupational skills needed for careers in marketing, management, and entrepreneurship; serve in leadership roles; and develop a greater understanding of our competitive, free-enterprise system and an appreciation of the responsibilities of citizenship.
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a student organization for all middle and high school students participating in business programs. As an integral part of the business instructional program, FBLA provides opportunities for students to develop vocational and career-supportive competencies. Participation in FBLA activities promotes civic and personal responsibility; helps students develop business leadership skills and establish career goals; and prepares them for useful citizenship and productive careers.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national student organization that helps young men and women become leaders and address important personal, family, work, and social issues through family and consumer sciences education. Through cooperative and competitive programs, FCCLA members develop skills for life including character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation. Participation in national programs and cocurricular chapter activities enables FCCLA members to learn cooperation, take responsibility, develop leadership, and give service.
FFA is a national agricultural organization with over 21,000 members in Georgia. FFA is open to middle school, high school and college students and works to develop students' potential through leadership opportunities and personal growth.
The FFA Mission: The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of young people by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.
The FFA Motto: The FFA motto gives members twelve short words to live by as they experience the opportunities in the organization.
Learning to Do,
Doing to Learn,
Earning to Live,
Living to Serve.
HOSA is an international student organization recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Science Education (HSE) Division of ACTE. HOSA's two-fold mission is to promote career opportunities in the health care industry and to enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people. HOSA's goal is to encourage all health science instructors and students to join and be actively involved in the HSE-HOSA Partnership. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary, postsecondary, adult, and collegiate students enrolled in health science education and biomedical science programs or have interests in pursuing careers in health professions. HOSA is 100% health care!
Georgia SkillsUSA members participate in local, state, and national activities provided through trade and industrial, technical, and health occupations courses and programs. The mission of SkillsUSA is to develop leadership skills and workplace competencies that students will need to success in a constantly changing global workplace. The organization provides many opportunities for leadership development and skills training. Competition in over 70 leadership, health occupations, occupationally related, and trade, industrial, and technical contests is offered at the region and state levels, culminating with the SkillsUSA Championships in Kansas City, Missouri, in June.
Georgia Technology Student Association (GA TSA) is committed to providing students with opportunities to excel and advance as part of their instruction in technology education. Georgia TSA promotes technology education as a means of preparing students for a dynamic world, inviting them to become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and technologically literate leaders. The mission of GA TSA is to prepare its members to be successful leaders and responsible citizens in a technological society through co-curricular activities with the technology education program, thereby developing communication, leadership, and competitive skills.
The Goal of CTI is to provide meaningful leadership and employability experiences for students with disabilities who are enrolled in career, technical and agricultural courses. Our objectives are To provide at the high school level a career, technical and agricultural education support services for students with disabilities, provide secondary students with disabilities the opportunity to successfully participate in career, technical and agricultural education programs, and monitor secondary students with disabilities to ensure delivery of appropriate services and accommodations as they participate in career, technical and agricultural education programs