CTAE Program Philosophy
Career inspiration in PreK-2, career awareness in elementary school, career visualization in middle school, and career preparation in high school are vital components of one's educational career. Clayton County Public School's Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program provides the interdisciplinary and technical skills to every student focused on attaining the knowledge and abilities that businesses and industries desire for high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations.
Students who graduate from high school after successfully completing a CTAE "Career Pathway" are equipped for immediate employment, post-secondary education, and life-long learning. In essence, students in CTAE are "college and career ready" - prepared to compete in the global marketplace.
Our CTAE Pathways Middle and High School:
CTAE Pathway Chart (Coming soon!)
Georgia's 17 Career Clusters
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
- Business Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Energy
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
The Georgia Department of Education has developed seventeen (17) elementary career awareness activities for local school systems to use as a guide to assist with the implementation of the College and Career Readiness Performance Indicators appropriate for the career awareness and career development indices. Some activities may contain more than one activity to allow for more opportunities to facilitate awareness of the cluster.
These activities will assist elementary students with:
- developing sense of self and areas of interest
- developing and acquiring positive attitudes
- developing a sense of career awareness and the relationship with academics and personal interests.
These courses are designed to be taught in a nine-week rotation in 45-minute daily classes. Standards should be taught in the order presented with the exception of Standards 1 and 9 being embedded standards with ongoing learning regarding employability skills, career investigation, and career-technical leadership opportunities. Capstone projects should be incorporated at the completion of all standards as time allows.
Business Management and Finance Pathway/Connections: This course will provide an exploratory foundation in business office administration and support, business management operations, and banking, accounting, and investing.
- 6th Grade - 07.08300 - Foundations of Business Administration
- 7th Grade - 07.08400 - Foundations of Business Management
- 8th Grade - 07.08500 - Foundations of Investing and Finance
Computer Science Courses - This course will provide an exploratory foundation in information systems, networking, and cybersecurity, computer programming (coding), and the design and development of interactive programs such as websites and games.
- 6th Grade - 011.01100 - Foundations of Secure Information Systems
- 7th Grade - 011.01200 - Foundations of Computer Programming
- 8th Grade - 011.01300 - Foundations of Interactive Design
Note: requirements for teaching this and other computer science courses: This course should be taught in a lab setting with a 1:1 ratio of student to personal computer.
Career Development Pathway/Connections - This course will provide students with opportunities to identify interests, abilities, aptitudes, values, and personality traits as they relate to career planning, to develop a keen understanding of the value and benefit of work, and to differentiate between jobs and careers while examining career concentrations and pathways.
- 6th Grade - 32.02100 - Career Awareness
- 7th Grade - 32.02200 - Career Discovery
- 8th Grade - 32.02300 - Career Management
Communications Pathway/Connections - This course will provide student with foundations skills in audio, video film and technology. It may include, but are not limited to: history of mass media, terminology, safety, basic equipment, script writing, storyboarding, production teams, planning, writing, directing, recording and editing a production, graphic communications, and professional ethics.
- 6th Grade - 48.03100 - Broadcast and Graphic Communications
- 7th Grade - 48.03200 - Introduction to Communications
- 8th Grade - 48.03300 - Applications of Communications
Engineering & Technology Pathway/Connections - This course is to provide all students with an introduction to the principles of Engineering & Technology (hereafter referred to as E&T) and its place in the modern world. This course will also help students to use technological systems effectively in their lives, thus providing a foundation for successfully integrating their own interests with potential careers with the resources of a technological society. Also includes the world of invention and innovation along with the Engineering Design Process and universal systems model including input, process, output and feedback. Students will examine various systems, such as; electrical, magnetic, mechanical, fluid, structural, natural, thermal, chemical, and information.
- 6th Grade - 21.02100 - Exploring Engineering and Technology
- 7th Grade - 21.02200 - Invention and Innovation
- 8th Grade - 21.02300 - Technological Systems
Family & Consumer Sciences Pathway/Connections - This course will provide all students with an introduction to the Family and Consumer Sciences-related Career Clusters. The Human Services career pathways are Nutrition and Food Science, Interiors/Fashion/Textiles, and Housing and Community Management. Hospitality and Tourism career pathway is Culinary Arts. Education and Training career pathways are Early Childhood Education and Teaching as a Profession.
- 6th Grade - 20.01100 Family & Consumer Science
- 7th Grade - 20.01200 Family & Consumer Science
- 8th Grade - 20.01300 Family & Consumer Science
Adamson Middle School
- Computer Science
Babb Middle School
- Computer Science
- Family and Consumer Sciences
Forest Park Middle School
- Computer Science
Jonesboro Middle School
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
Kendrick Middle School
- Audio/Visual, Technology and Communications
- Business Management and Finance
- Computer Science
Morrow Middle School
- Business Management and Finance
- Computer Science
Mundy’s Mill Middle School
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
North Clayton Middle School
- Business Management and Finance
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
- Transportation
Pointe South Middle School
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
- Family and Consumer Sciences
Rex Mill Middle School
- Computer Science
Riverdale Middle School
- Business Management & Finance
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
M.D. Roberts Middle School
- Computer Science
Sequoyah Middle School
- Computer Science
- Arts, AV Technology and Communications
Eddie White Academy Middle School
- Business Management & Finance
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
- Healthcare Science
Career awareness in elementary school, career visualization in middle school and career preparation in high school are vital components of one's educational career. Clayton County Public Schools', Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program provides the interdisciplinary and technical skills to every student focused on attaining the knowledge and abilities that businesses and industries desire for high-demand, high-skilled, high-wage occupations.
Students who graduate from high school after successfully completing a CTAE "Career Pathway" are equipped for immediate employment, post-secondary education and life-long learning. In essence, students in CTAE are "college and career ready" - prepared to compete in the global marketplace.
It is recommended that these courses are taken in sequential order beginning in 9th grade to ensure students are pathway completers. Pathway completers are students who have completed the three required courses in our state's career pathways and eligible to attain an end-of-the-pathway assessment (EOPA) credential. An EOPA test-taker is a student who has completed three sequential/required courses in a career pathway and sat for an industry recognized exam to gain industry credentials or test results that prove competency in varied skills/trades; through test vendors such as: NOCTI, SkillsUSA, National Automotive Student Skills Standards Assessment.
Charles Drew High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Culinary Arts
- Engineering and Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Human Resources Management
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Graphic Design
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Programming
- Public Safety Communications
- Therapeutic Services/Allied Health and Medicine
Forest Park High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Business and Technology
- Computer Science
- Cosmetology
- Entrepreneurship
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Health Informatics/Health Information Management/Medical Office
- Human Resources Management
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Marketing and Management
- Programming
Jonesboro High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Barbering
- Business and Technology
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Engineering and Technology
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Programming
- Teaching as a Profession
- Therapeutic Services/Allied Health and Medicine
Lovejoy High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Audio/Video Technology and Film I
- Business and Technology
- Carpentry
- Electrical
- Entrepreneurship
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- General Automotive Technology
- Health Informatics/Health Information Management/Medical Office
- International Business
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Marketing and Management
- Web and Digital Design
Morrow High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Computer Science
- Engineering and Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Flight Operations
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Marketing and Management
- Public Management and Administration
- Teaching as a Profession
- Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- Web and Digital Design
Mount Zion High School
- Air Force JROTC
- Audio/Video Technology and Film I
- Business and Technology
- Engineering and Technology
- Financial Services
- Graphic Communications
- Health Informatics/Health Information Management/Medical Office
Mundy’s Mill High School
- Audio/Video Technology and Film I
- Audio/Video Technology and Film ll
- Business and Technology
- Entrepreneurship
- Fire & Emergency Services/Fire Fighting Pathway
- Game Design
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Marketing and Management
- Programming
- Teaching as a Profession
North Clayton High School
- Audio/Video Technology and Film I
- Cosmetology
- Business and Technology
- Therapeutic Sciences/Emergency Medical Responder
- Flight Operations
- Marketing and Management
- Programming
- Teaching as a Profession
- Unmanned Aircraft
Perry Career Academy
- Business Accounting
- Business and Technology
- Early Childhood Care & Education I
- Entrepreneurship
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Marketing and Management
- Teaching as a Profession
- Web and Digital Design
Riverdale High School
- Barbering
- Business Accounting
- Cosmetology
- Financial Services
- Fire & Emergency Services/Firefighting
- Law Enforcement Services/Forensic Science
- Human Resources Management
- Plant & Landscape Systems
- Programming
- Teaching as a Profession
CCPS Virtual Academy
- Entrepreneurship
- Programming
- Web & Digital Design
Career Pipeline Tool
Georgia businesses need a skilled workforce, and every year, Georgia high schools are graduating talented students in need of meaningful career opportunities. In an effort to better connect those two groups, to the benefit of Georgia students and the overall economic health of the state, the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and state partners are launching the Georgia Career Pipeline Tool.