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Post-Secondary Options

Transition Career Partnerships & Post-Secondary Options

Transition Career Partnerships TCP (formerly Education Career Partnerships) is designed to prepare students for college and career opportunities leading students to postsecondary institutions for an industry recognized certification or licensure, an associate and/or higher college degree, and successful employment. Dual Enrollment/Dual Credit programs provide opportunities for Georgia high school students to take college-level courses and earn concurrent credit toward a high school diploma and a college degree while still in high school. Please visit your school counseling office to learn more about how your school participates.

Dual Enrollment

Dual Enrollment is a program for students, which allows students to attend a post secondary institution full-time during their junior and/or senior of high school and received high school credit and college credit simultaneously while attending college classes on the college campus, full-time.

Residential Programs

Residential programs are offered for gifted, talented, and motivated students through the University System of Georgia at two institution:

The Advanced Academy of Georgia on the campus of University of West Georgia and The Georgia Academy of Mathematics, Engineering and Science at Middle Georgia College.