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Work-Based Learning FAQs

What is the Work-Based Learning (WBL) program?

Work-Based Learning is a planned program of study that offers students in grades 11 and 12 an opportunity to work at a job site in a business in the community. Students engaged in the WBL program participate in one of the following areas: Employability Skill Development (ESD), Cooperative Education (COOP), Internships, Youth Apprenticeship Program (YAP) or Great Promise Partnership (GPP). Through WBL, students have the opportunity connect what they learn in school with work-site applications to enable a smooth transition into the workforce and/or education beyond high school.                                                 

Work-Based Learning placements represent the pinnacle of the Career-related education experience. Work-Based Learning provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of skills by expanding the classroom into the community and narrowing the gap between theory and practice through rigorous academic preparation with hands-on career development experiences.

Why choose Work-Based Learning?

  • WBL offers work experiences connected to careers
  • WBL provides choices for careers, not just graduation
  • WBL students earn high school course credit towards graduation
  • 95% of students concentrating in Career, Technical & Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs graduate

How does Work-Based Learning benefit students?

  • Students gain marketable skills, while in high school, that match current and future workforce demands
  • Students receive relevant work experience which aids in a successful transition to career related employment
  • Students learn to identify and articulate their strengths, passion and interests
  • Students receive a foundation for planning an education and career
  • Students learn about professionalism through professional skills (soft skills) education
  • Students learn the importance of appropriate business attire, time management, effective communications, teamwork, positive attitude, work ethics and more...

How does Work-Based Learning benefit partners and employers?

  • WBL supports workforce development initiatives
  • WBL decreases the skills gap between employee and job requirements
  •  WBL addresses labor pool demands and increases the skill level of potential employees
  •  Partners work with local schools to develop curriculum based on industry standards
  •  Partnering with WBL program is an investment in the local community
  •  Employers can reduce turnover of entry-level employees through the hiring of WBL graduates

What are the key features of the Work-Based Learning program?

  • Each student has a customized training program
  • Placements are aligned to career goals based on the pathway
  • Continuous professional skills training
  • Collaborative interactions with high school counselors
  • Exposure and networking opportunities with industry professionals
  • Each student completes an Individual Graduation Plan
  • Each student has an assigned business mentor at the work site
  • Parent/ Guardians have an orientation session at the beginning of each school year
  • Parent/ Guardians have increased involvement in their child’s education and are required to review and sign the acceptance form
  • Work-Based Learning instructors and CTAE staff maintain regular contact with the business mentor and visits the work site to ensure the student in meeting his/ her responsibilities to the program
  • The program objective is to have students placed in paid or non- paid work environments which match their skills and career objectives in high-skill, in-demand and/or high-wage occupations

Georgia Department of Education ~ Career Pipeline Tool