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Early Learning Points of Pride

Parent Engagement for Pre-K (P.E.P) Series

P.E.P. provides parents with hands-on activities and resource provision related to the Pre-K standards to enhance and engage parents in authentic learning experiences to promote and extend school readiness and transitions for students.

Curriculum Fair 

Pre-K families from both the private and public sector are given instructional materials and presented with instructional and behavioral strategies to enhance scholar preparation for students’ educational journey.

Community Engagements

These community events increase awareness, market enrollment availability, provide resources to  families and offer strategies to support Pre-K scholars in the areas of literacy, numeracy and social development.

Pre-K Literacy Program “A Magical Snowy Winter Wonderland”

This program provides students the opportunity to perform acts of the book to highlight their literacy skills and increase students’ participation and readiness skills.  Community and school stakeholders are provided the opportunity to witness student  demonstration of literacy. 

Transition Fair

This event assists parents with students’ transition from the Pre-K to Kindergarten setting. It supports parents and students with multiple activities and answering their questions to support kindergarten transition.