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Fraud Prevention

The Clayton County Public Schools is committed to the elimination of fraud, waste, abuse, or corruption. To that end, the District is committed to the identification of exposures to fraud and misconduct in the everyday operations of the school systems and the effective reduction or eradication of those identified exposures. CCPS Board policy DIE – Fraud Prevention outlines the district’s focus and commitment to the reduction and possible eradication of incidences of fraud and misconduct.

Any individual who desires to bring forth an allegation alleging a violation regarding this policy should report the concern to the Division of Equity and Compliance in writing.  They may also submit complaints via e-mail.

Upon submission of your request, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address provided in the request. If you do not receive a confirmation, please resubmit your request or contact us.

Should you have further questions, please contact Damaris Garrett, Chief of Equity and Compliance for the Clayton County School System, via email or by telephone at 770-473-2700, ext. 700155.

CCPS Fraud Prevention Policy