Open Records Request
Designated Open Records Custodian:
Margaret Hudgins, Records Management Specialist
Contact Info.:
Phone: (770) 473-2700 ext. 700126
The Clayton County Public Schools is committed to conducting district business in a manner that complies with all legal requirements, fosters citizen confidence in our school system, and promotes efficient governmental operations. To that end, the district recognizes the importance of communicating information to stakeholders and other interested parties through supplying requested information which is considered a matter of public record.
Georgia Open Records Act
The Georgia Open Records Act (OCGA §50-18-70 to §50-18-77) establishes the right to inspect and/or receive public records, excluding those records that are specifically exempted from disclosure by court order or law. To inspect and/or receive records, please submit an e-mail via the link or utilize the form below to submit an open records request. Please be as specific as possible.
After receiving your request, the District will notify you within three (3) business days of receipt by the Open Records Custodian if there are records responsive to your request and if the records requested are subject to release. Please note: some records are not readily accessible for production. In these instances, you will be notified and provided a timeline as to when the records will be available. The response will be provided in written format and will be sent via email when possible.
Responses & Fees
Pursuant to O.C.G.A § 50-18-71(d), in any instance in which the estimated cost for production of the records exceeds $500.00, the district requires prepayment of the costs prior to beginning search, retrieval, review, or production of the records. Responses shall include the cost to search, retrieve, copy, redact, and/or supervise inspection of the requested document(s). The school district is authorized to impose upon you a reasonable charge for the research, retrieval, redaction, and other administrative costs of complying with your inquiry, including copying charges of $.10 per standard page and a charge of $16.12 per hour for the time you spend reviewing documents to begin after the first quarter hour/15 minutes. The cost represents the hourly rate of the lowest paid full-time employee who has the necessary skills and training to respond to your request. There is no charge for the first 15 minutes. Other types of documents or electronic media are charged based upon the school district’s expense to reproduce the record. Where fees for certain records are otherwise prescribed by law, such specific fees shall apply. Payment is required upon receipt of the records.
Upon submission of your request, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address provided in the request. If you do not receive a confirmation, please resubmit your request or contact us.
Open Records does not handle high school diploma requests or school transcript requests, they are handled through Student Services. Click here for high school diploma and transcript requests
Should you have further questions, please contact Margaret Hudgins, designated Open Records Custodian, via email or by telephone at 770-473-2700, ext. 700126, e-mail
Click here to submit an online request
Click here for ORR Form