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Risk Management

Leslie Harris Risk Management Analyst  Telephone: 770-473-2738
Fax: 770 472-8471
Latasha Lowe Legal Compliance Officer Telephone: 678-817-3086
Fax: 770-472-8471

Stephanie Cosby
Administrative Assistant, II Telephone: 770.473.2700 ext. 700146
Fax: 770-472-8471

It is the ultimate objective of the Risk Management Department to relieve the minutia and burden of any Risk Management issue that takes school personnel from the instructional program. The goal of the Risk Management Department is to provide the safest environment for our students, employees, parents, citizens and taxpayers. For those areas of risk that we can manage, training and prevention will minimize that risk and the subsequent expenses. Preparation is the key element for those areas of risk that are out of our control (weather!). Our ultimate objective is to try to minimize the financial consequences of random losses. We welcome all internal and external publics to click on any of the following categories which have live links for further information. Thank you for visiting with us!