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Clayton County Public Schools Warehouse is responsible for the storing and distribution of custodial supplies, copy paper, textbooks, instructional material, surplus items, and the archiving of district records. The Warehouse also houses parts and equipment in support of all maintenance departments. Mail Courier service is also managed and dispatched from the warehouse. Hours of operation are Monday - Friday, 7:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M.

The Warehouse has 1 supervisor, 2 master technicians, 5 technicians, and 5 apprentices.

Custodial Supplies can be ordered on Brightly Inventory System (formally known as School Dude) by designated employees at each individual location. Delivery window is usually one to two days for all custodial supplies. Delivery quantities of requested items may be changed at the discretion of the Warehouse Supervisor due to inventory levels or product usage procedures. In the event that your location is in immediate need of supplies, a representative from your location may pick up the items at the warehouse with pre-approved arrangements with Warehouse Staff.

Furniture for growth and replacement needs are stored in limited numbers in the warehouse and are available for ordering using the following forms:


Completed forms can be faxed or emailed to Frank Seals at the warehouse. All requests cannot be filled due to supply and financial restrictions. Please be mindful that items do not include assembly or installation when delivered. Good used furniture will be shipped out in lieu of new furniture whenever possible on any stock requisition.

Surplus Furniture and Equipment is picked up and redistributed on an as needed basis. Locations wishing to have items picked up should submit a work order listing the items and quantities of each. For the removal of lawn debris and construction debris, please contact Landscape Services at the Facility Services Department.

Please do not allow damaged or excess items to become a safety hazard. Staff should never block doorways, electrical panels or create any unsafe environment for staff or students. Placing items outside of your building creates a haven for animals and insects, a safety risk for staff picking it up, an unkempt appearance for your school, and can make the items unusable due to exposure to weather.

If you would like to visit the warehouse to look at surplus furniture and equipment for your needs, please contact the warehouse for an appointment.

Mail Courier Service is delivered on two geographically set routes covering all locations across the district. In addition to inter-departmental mail, the staff will also assist with delivery and pick up of testing materials, textbooks, surplus, and supplies. Mail is delivered every day that schools are in session during the school year and twice per week during the summer. The central office and other non-school locations will receive service daily, year round.

The warehouse may assist with moving services or transferring items between locations, however this is not a primary responsibility of the department. All moves or transfers should be scheduled with the warehouse supervisor and a work order must be submitted.

For emergencies, please contact Franks Seals at (404) 695-1689.


Supervisor Frank Seals
Master Technician Burgess Cody Jr.
Master Technician Wili Scandrett