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Foster Care Program

Katrina Thompson
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Phone: 770-473-2700 ext.700290

The Foster Care Program focuses on school access, improved educational outcomes, and enhanced academic stability for children and youth in foster care. The provisions derived from the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) establish guidelines for recognizing and addressing the unique needs of foster care children and youth.

The Foster Care Program is responsible for working closely with local child welfare agencies and educational agencies to identify children and youth in foster care and ensure the successful implementation of ESSA provisions.

What are foster care students’ rights?

Clayton County Public Schools, child welfare agencies, DFCS, foster parents, and others will collaborate to provide adequate needs and services.

  • Remain in their school of origin (the last school they attended) unless it is not in the child's best interest to stay. Best interest discussions usually focus on the student's age, the time in the former school, or the distance from the new foster home.
  • Reasonable and appropriate transportation to a child’s school will be provided.
  • If remaining in the same school is not in the child’s best interest, immediate and appropriate enrollment in a new school is required.
  • If remaining in the same school is not in the child’s best interest, all records must be transferred immediately upon request.