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Supplemental Language Support Services

Clayton County Public Schools

Title I Parent Notification of Student Eligibility for Supplemental Language Support Services


Dear Parents:

As a student in our school district’s “English to Speakers of Other Languages” (ESOL) program, your child receives effective language instruction from an ESOL teacher. As an English Learner, your child also qualifies for additional supports that we offer to help improve his/her English skills. When your child exits from the state ESOL program, we will also exit your child from these extra language services.

Your child’s English skill was most recently tested with the: WIDA Screener 1-12/WIDA Kindergarten Screener; or ACCESS for ELLs 2.0/Alternate ACCESS,and received an overall score lower than 5.0, which qualifies your child for the ESOL program.

We offer the additional supports below to help improve your child’s listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in English as well as support his or her academic needs. For high school students who receive these additional supports, the graduation rate is 63.2% (2020). Please note that if your child has a disability, his/her language program services are developed together with special education staff and they support your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).                                                                                                                        
In addition to the basic, state-mandated ESOL program, Clayton County Public Schools is providing your child with the following through use of Title I federal program funds:

  • Title I Extended Learning Instructional Resources for ELs in Grades K-2

In order to support the development of the English language and core content skills reflected in the Georgia Standards of Excellence, your child will receive instructional resources to support learning at home. 

These materials will enhance the instructional support provided by your child’s ESOL teacher and will allow your child opportunities for additional language and academic practice to meet the achievement standards. You will be notified when resources are available.

You have the right to refuse these additional supports for your child. If you would like to decline participation for your child, talk about the different supports offered, or learn about parent meetings, please contact your child’s ESOL teacher or the Office of Federal Programs.   

If you would like to know if you child is eligible for services, please contact your child’s ESOL teacher or the school’s Title I parent liaison.

Spanish Title I Notification of Supplemental Language Program Form FY2022 Final v2 (2).pdf
Vietnamese Title I Notification of Supplemental Language Program Form FY2022 Final.pdf