Title I, Part A - Improving Academic Achievement
Katrina Thompson
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Ext. 700290
According to the U.S. Department of Education, Title 1 funding “ensures that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.” This is accomplished by ensuring high standards for all, increasing quality instructional time, improving instruction through professional development for staff, enhancing parent participation in the educational process, expanding educational resources, and strengthening accountability.
Title I, Part A provides funds to schools and districts based upon the percentage of students qualifying to receive free or reduced-price school meals. The intent is to supplement school and district funds to provide students with opportunities and resources to obtain a high-quality education that boosts academic proficiency on challenging state and academic standards and assessments.
Sixty-six schools are operating Title I schoolwide programs, and one is operating Title I targeted assistance programs in Clayton County Public Schools for the 2021-2022 school year. A Schoolwide program permits schools to use resources to upgrade the entire educational program of the school and to raise achievement for all the students, and a targeted assistance program provides services to students based on multiple selection criteria. Every Title I school has an on-site Parent Resource Center and a Title I Parent Involvement Contact or Liaison.
There are three basic components of a Title I, and Part A program that are essential to effective implementation.
- Conduct a Comprehensive Needs Assessment
We use academic achievement, demographic, program, and perception data from school staff, parents, families, and others in the community to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment. Using a systematic method, such as root-cause analysis, the comprehensive needs assessment identifies the major problem areas the school needs to address. The needs assessment should consider information on children's academic achievement in relation to the challenging state academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing or are at risk of failing to meet challenging state academic standards.
- Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
The CSIP describes how the school will improve students’ academic achievement, particularly for the lowest-achieving students. The plan addresses the major problem areas identified in the comprehensive needs assessment. We develop the CSIP with the involvement of parents, families, and other members of the community and individuals who will carry out such a plan, including teachers, principals, other school leaders, staff, and students if it relates to a secondary school.
- Annual Review of the CSIP
We use data from the state’s assessments, other indicators of academic achievement, program, demographic, and perception data to determine if the schoolwide or targeted assistance Title I program effectively addresses the major problem areas. We look for improvements in student achievement, particularly for the lowest-achieving students, as our primary measure of success. The Office of Federal Program regularly monitors plans and their implementation. School leaders base annual revisions to their CSIP on student needs to ensure they provide all students with opportunities to meet challenging state academic standards.
Title I Spending Regulations.pdf
Title I Department FY22 Fiscal Information.pdf
Clayton County ESSA Complaint Procedures.pdf
Board Policy DIE - Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Corruption.pdf
Georgia Department of Education
Georgia School Grades Report