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Title I, Part C - Education of MIgratory Children

Katrina Thompson
Executive Director of Federal Programs
Phone: 770-473-2700 ext.700290

Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children

Funds are used to support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migratory children ages 3-21.  These programs aim to help reduce the educational disruptions and various problems that result from factors such as repeated moves, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, and health-related problems that negatively impact migratory children’s ability to meet challenging state content and performance standards and to prepare migratory children to make a successful transition to postsecondary education or employment.

Clayton County Public Schools participates in the state’s Migrant Education Program (MEP) Consortium with Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College (ABAC), Region 1.

Migratory children are initially identified via the Occupational Survey given to all parents when children are enrolled in Clayton County Public Schools.  The survey is also distributed annually to all enrolled students in the school district. The Occupational Surveys are collected by the parent liaisons and sent to the Federal Programs department.

The Director of Federal Programs sends all surveys where the parent has answered "yes," indicating that the family may meet the migrant criteria, to the MEP Consortium located at ABAC. The MEP service provider sends a recruiter to Clayton County to confirm the status of each of the families. If the student needs services, personnel in the MEP Consortium make those arrangements in collaboration with Clayton County personnel.  Migrant parents are invited to attend Title I Parent Academy workshops and regional Parent Advisory Council (PAC) meetings to provide feedback on the district’s parent and migrant program.

Georgia Migrant Education Program Poster Region 1 -English.pdf
Migrant Education Program English Brochure.pdf
Migrant Education Program Spanish Brochure.pdf
FY22 MEP Occupational Survey Form FINAL.pdf