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Governmental Relations & Partnerships

About CCPS

Clayton County Public Schools is one of the leading school districts in Georgia. From placing counselors in all our elementary schools to our award-winning Professional Learning department; from nationally recognized fine arts programs to innovative technical/career education; Clayton County has been a pioneer in offering new programs and new vistas to employees and students alike.

Clayton County Public Schools is the sixth largest school system in Georgia. We are a diverse school system with more than 50,000 students and 7,300 employees who work in 54 schools and 14 office and support services locations. We are growing at the rate of approximately 1,200 students annually, attracting families and students to excellent facilities and offering outstanding academic and extracurricular programs for students.

About The Department

The Department of Governmental Relations & Partnerships supports the goals, mission, vision, and Academic Achievement Plan of Clayton County Public Schools (CCPS). The department serves to facilitate engagement and partnership between the district and the public (external) and schools and facilities within the district (internal). 

Our focus is geared towards engaging, reviewing, evaluating and determining the best possible use of external resources to ensure partnerships align to the Superintendent’s strategic goals, academic standards, student achievement, opportunities for parental involvement, policies and procedures, and the development of educational resources within the district. We seek to build strong relationships of trust and cooperation between schools and community entities that are interested in partnerships that are focused on student achievement. 


Lonnie Smith email