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New Hire Benefits


Your hiring date and information have been sent to State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) and GaBreeze for your enrollment window to be activated.

New employees are required to enroll in benefits within the first 30 days of the date of hire. However, if the new employee does not enroll at this time, the next opportunity to select benefits options will be during annual enrollment, and this is typically during the Fall. 

Selections made during new hire will typically have an effective date of the 1st day of the month following a full month of employment. (example: New hire date of January 24th will have an effective date of March 1st). The employee has worked a full month (January 24th-February 24th).

Selections made during the annual enrollment will have an effective date of January 1st of the following year.  The annual enrollment period is the time of the year in which all eligible employees can select and/or discontinue non-mandatory benefits.

In the event an employee chooses to waive/decline all offered employee benefits, the employee is required to formally decline coverage.

State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) - 1-800-610-1863

Please use the Registration Code SHBP-GA to create an account and set up a password prior to making your health benefits selection.

GaBreeze – 1-877-342-7339

You must create a new user account prior to obtaining your username and password to make your flexible benefits selections.

Please click on the logos below to access the GaBreeze and SHBP enrollment portals


New Hires Transferring from Another State of Georgia Entity/Public School District

Health Insurance Benefits

•A new hire transferring from another state of Georgia entity/public school district with active health benefits through State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) – the health benefits will transfer to CCPS.

•A new hire transferring from another state of Georgia entity/public school district without active health benefits through State Health Benefit Plan (SHBP) – may not be eligible to enroll in health benefits until the Annual Enrollment period, or an eligible Qualifying Event approved by SHBP.

Flexible Benefits (i.e., dental, vision, life & disability insurance, etc.)

•A new hire transferring from another state of Georgia entity/public school district with active flexible benefits through GaBreeze – the flexible benefits will transfer to CCPS.

•A new hire transferring from another state of Georgia entity/public school district without active flexible benefits through GaBreeze - must enroll in flexible benefits through the GaBreeze enrollment portal within 30 days of the hire date.

Benefits Enrollment

Health Benefits

State Health Benefit Plan - 1-800-610-1863

SHBP Enrollment Portal

Please use the Registration Code SHBP-GA to create an account and set up a password prior to making your health benefits selection.

Flexible Benefits

GaBreeze - 1-877-342-7339

GaBreeze Enrollment Portal

You must create an account prior to obtaining your username and password.

Benefits Resources

The CCPS Human Resources Benefits Unit webpage provides new employees with information on New Hire benefits enrollment and information for New Hires transferring  from another state of Georgia entity/public school district.

Click HERE to access the SHBP 2025 Active Member Decision Guide.

Click HERE to access the SHBP Active Member Rates

Click HERE to access the GaBreeze 2025 Flexible Benefits Program Guide.

Click HERE to access the GaBreeze 2025 Flexible Benefits Rates.

Click HERE to access the CCPS Human Resources Benefits Unit Staff Contact Information.