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Qualifying Life Event

Employees may add coverage outside of the annual enrollment period providing the employee has a Qualifying (life-changing) Event. 

If you experience a Qualifying Event during the plan year, you may change, enroll, or discontinue coverage within 30 days of the Qualifying Event.  The employee must submit appropriate documentation to SHBP and/or GaBreeze within 30-days of the qualifying event in order to activate or cancel coverage.

Qualifying Events include, but are not limited to:

•Birth, adoption of a child (90 days)
•Death of a spouse or child; if the dependent is currently enrolled
•Spouse or dependent gain/loss of eligibility under other group health coverage
•Marriage or divorce
•Medicare eligibility

*Enrolling or discontinuing coverage from individual coverage through the health insurance marketplace (Xchange) is NOT a qualifying event.

How to declare a qualifying life event through the SHBP Portal
1. SHBP Active Members: Life Changes

How to declare a qualifying life event through the GaBreeze Portal
1. Access your GaBreeze account from the GaBreeze portal