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Pay Date Calendar

Clayton County Public School's Payroll Department is a dedicated team committed to providing on-time and accurate pay to the system's employees. We are devoted to excellence in customer service and to supporting the overall mission of the school system.

How We Meet our Goals:
This mission cannot be attained without the assistance of the bookkeepers in our schools and departments. Your local bookkeeper will be your primary resource for the information you need regarding payroll.

Payroll Contacts:

Coordinating Supervisor- Finance Othneil (Neil) Rose 700242
Payroll Manager Celena Richardson 700331
Payroll Specialist Denise Perrington 700333
Payroll Technician Beverly Gaither 700200
Payroll Technician Vacant 700332
Payroll Technician Vacant 700334



Frequently Asked Questions 
Semi-Monthly Pay Information