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Research, Evaluation, Assessments and Accountability


Director of REAA Mrs. Jacquelyn Johnson
Coordinator of Special Projects Ms. Cynthia Dickerson
Coordinator of Student Assessments Dr. Natasha Jefferson
Coordinator of Student Assessments Mr. Randy Iddins
Data Coordinating Supervisor Dr. Zawdie Jackson
Educational Research Scientist Ms. Lydia Vos
 Data Analyst Dr. Vincent Hunter
 Assessment Training Specialist  Ms. Aliza Rosario Bowden
 Administrative Assistant III Ms. Betty Ann Smallwood

The Department of Research, Evaluation, Assessment and Accountability (REAA) collaborates with an array of internal and external stakeholders to serve the Clayton County Public School Community by facilitating access to quality information. We believe in building capacity to make data-driven decisions that advance educational equity, opportunity, and achievement for all students. Our department resides under Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, within the Office of School Leadership and Improvement.

REAA has the following key priorities as a department:

  • Define, articulate, and support a comprehensive balanced assessment system, aligned to standards that leads to higher achievement.
  • Employ ethical and just testing practices. 
  • Provide high-quality, relevant, and timely data and reports to all stakeholders.
  • Promote continuous improvement and accountability for outcomes in all facets of the District.
  • Lead a research agenda that advances educational equity, opportunity, and achievement for all students.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of programs and publish truthful, dependable findings that lead to greater quality improvement efforts.