Major Research Studies Procedures
Major Studies
Sponsored by State and Federal Agencies
(including state and federal grants in which CCPS is not a partner)
Prior to REAA approval of a major research study sponsored by a state and/or federal agency, the principal investigator/researcher must first obtain written support for the study from the appropriate district level administrator(s) when two or more schools are involved. The signature indicates that the administrator agrees to support the voluntary participation of the s in the identified site(s) subsequent to review and approval by REAA / RRB. Participation in research is voluntary; therefore, administrative endorsement of his/her staff. Since participation in independent research is voluntary, participation is voluntary
1. If an administrator is initially contacted by a researcher requesting permission to conduct the study, the CCPS administrator refers to the researcher to REAA.
2. REAA provides the researcher with guidance regarding procedures for submitting and approving the study.
3. REAA informs the researcher of the option to either submit 1) our completed CCPS research application and related forms or 2) a detailed research proposal and supplemental forms previously approved by a Federally Wide Assured (FWA)IRB.
a. If the researcher chooses to submit the IRB proposal, the researcher must make sure that the proposal and forms address all the components contained within our district's guidelines and application.
b. Federal and state research projects continuing over more than one year must submit an update of research procedures and all revisions (e.g., data access, instruments, subjects, consent forms, etc.) prior to the continuation of the study.
c. REAA informs the researcher of the specific requirement and steps for obtaining written administrative support for the study at the district and site levels.
i. REAA notifies the assistant level superintendent(s) and/or district level department head of the future contact by the researcher.
ii. Steps for Obtaining Administrative Support Prior to REAA Approval:
1. Option 1 (Current Procedures):
a. If the study proposes to involve participants in two or more schools/sites, it requires the written support or endorsement of the appropriate level assistant superintendent(s).
i. If the research has implications for a particular department (e.g., Professional Learning or Student Services, etc.), REAA provides a courtesy communication to the district level department head to inform him/her of the research request.
b. The principal investigator sends the completed Local Site Support Form to the appropriate level assistant superintendent(s) for review and signature.
i. If the research involves a department such as Professional Learning or Student Services, REAA notifies the administrator responsible for the department or program.
ii. If administrative support is given, REAA notifies principal(s) and/or site administrator of endorsement and subsequent contact by the researcher regarding his/her support (Local Site Support Form) and voluntary nature of participation.
c. The principal investigator sends the completed Local Site Support Form to the appropriate site administrator(s) for review and signature.
d. The principal investigator submits the CCPS application packet or detailed proposal and forms to REAA for review and approval.
2. Option 2:
a. The principal investigator sends the completed Local Site Support Form to the appropriate level assistant superintendent(s) for review and signature.
i. If area superintendent(s) sign(s) the Local Site Support Form, he/she informs the appropriate superintendent of the endorsement if approved by REAA.
ii. If all level assistant superintendents provide written support for the study if approved by REAA, the principal investigator obtains signed Local Site Support Form from each administrator and/or site administrator.
3. Option 3:
a. Obtain signed Local Site Support Form from appropriate level assistant superintendent(s).
b. If both level assistant superintendents provide written support for the study if approved by REAA, obtain signed Local Site Support Form from each principal or site administrator.
Written support for the study if approved by REAA and/or RRB:
Option 1 - Current Administrative Support Procedures:
1 school or site to be involved in research:
a. Principal investigator obtains signed Local Site Support Form or Consent from the principal or site administrator.
2 or more schools and/or sites to be involved in research:
a. The principal investigator first obtains signed Local Site Support Form or Consent Form from the appropriate level assistant superintendent(s)
b. Subsequently the principal investigator obtains a signed Local Site Support Form or Consent from each principal and/or site administrator proposed in the study
Option 2:
1 school or site to be involved in research:
a. Principal investigator obtains signed Local Site Support Form or Consent from the principal or site administrator.
2 or more schools and/or sites to be involved in research:
a. The principal investigator first obtains signed Local Site Support Form or Consent Form from the appropriate area superintendent(s)
b. The area superintendent(s) inform the Deputy Superintendent of the agreement to support the study upon review and approval of REAA. [Decide: Require or do not require Deputy Superintendent signature?]
c. If the area superintendent(s) sign the Local Site Support Form, the principal investigator then obtains a signed Local Site Support Form or Consent from each principal and/or site administrator proposed in the study.