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Testing: Cell Phone and Other Electronic Devices

Students are not permitted to use or bring into the testing environment any electronic device (e.g., cell phone, PDA, electronic recording or playback device, etc.) that would allow students access to information via electronic communication. To ensure these devices are collected prior to testing, the following steps will be implemented.

  1. An announcement will be made prior to testing that such devices are not allowed in the testing environment. If such items are brought into the testing environment, they must be turned off and given to the Test Examiner until all testing materials have been collected. Students who fail to submit unapproved electronic devices will be removed from the test site and only permitted to test during the scheduled make-up providing the student is compliant with school and district policies or rules. Clayton County Public School District reserves the right to enforce disciplinary actions that could result in out of school suspension and possible tribunal referral if students violate school and district policies or rules. For students with electronic devices that will be collected: (See Diagram A for more information.)

  2. The Test Examiner will provide the student with a re-sealable zipper-like plastic baggie and sticky note.

    1. The student will write his or her name on a sticky note and place it inside of the baggie along with all the electronic device(s).

    2. The Test Examiner will collect the re-sealable baggie, place it into a container for electronic devices, and keep the container with the testing materials within his or her visibility and proximity.

    3. The Test Examiner will collect all testing materials prior to redistributing devices to students.

  3. Examiner returns phones/devices to the students after all testing materials have been collected.

    1. Students verify their phone/device, remove items from re-sealable zip lock baggie, return baggie to teacher, and discard sticky note upon leaving the test site.

    2. Examiner verifies the student received his or her cell phone or electronic device before all students leave the classroom. If problems arise, he or she will contact an administrator immediately and document the issue.

  4. Test Examiners and Proctors must monitor students to identify students who have not complied with the request to relinquish non-essential electronic devices. In the event the examiner determines the student is using a device to share, retain, or access information, the examiner will:

    1. collect the device,

    2. stop testing that student, and

    3. inform the student he/she will be removed from the test site

  5. If a student is removed from the test site, the examiner and/or proctor will notify the School Test Coordinator immediately.

    1. The School Test Coordinator must remove the student, notify the System Test

    2. Coordinator, complete a test Irregularity Form, and submit the form to the System Test Coordinator within 24 hours of the incident.

    3. The System Test Coordinator will contact the specific assessment specialist at the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) and report the incident as an irregularity.

  6. Each electronic device incident will be thoroughly investigated and addressed on an individual basis. If it is subsequently determined by the GaDOE that the student did use or intended to use a device to share, retain, or access information, the student’s test will be invalidated. An invalidated test means the student will not earn a score on the exam.