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School Resource Officers

Sergeant Danielle Fouse

Sector 1 Supervisor 


Sector 1 Middle Schools


SRO Ashlee Cole

Sequoyah Middle School

SRO Jamila Braithwaite

North Clayton Middle School

SRO Jamila Rembert

Riverdale Middle School  








Sector 1 High Schools


SRO Joshua Scullark

Charles Drew High School

SRO Carey Steele

Charles Drew High School

SRO Donald Jackson

N. Clayton High School 

SRO Jerri Taylor

N. Clayton High School

SRO Derrick Taylor

Riverdale High School

SRO Rainee Vaughns

Riverdale High School






Sergeant Derek McClendon

Sector 2 Supervisor 


Sector 2 Middle Schools


SRO Matthew Lowe

Kendrick Middle School 

SRO Pamela Green

Mundy’s Mill Middle School

SRO Ricky Johnson

Eddie White Academy

SRO Antionetta Bailey

Pointe South Middle School






Sector 2 High Schools


SRO Ernie Green

Lovejoy High School

SRO Kateria Stewart

Lovejoy High School

SRO Herbert Hutcherson

Mundy’s Mill High School

SRO Faith Hampton

Mundy’s Mill High School

SRO Daniel Lawrence

Perry Learning Center




Sergeant Martin Flowers

Sector 3 Supervisor 


Sector 3 Middle Schools


SRO Kisha Campbell

Adamson Middle School

SRO Phyllis Gant                        Ash Street/South Metro

SRO Jovan Brown

Babb Middle School

SRO Marquez Burdette

Rex Mill Middle School

SRO Noyoka Davis

Forest Park Middle School


Sector 3 High Schools


SRO Albert Rucker

Forest Park High School


Forest Park High School

SRO Renaldo Williams

Morrow High School

SRO Marcus Patterson

Morrow High School







Sergeant David Pigors 

Sector 4 Supervisor  
 Sector 4 Middle Schools 
 SRO Allen Scott Jonesboro Middle School 
 SRO Mekeda Fultz Morrow Middle School  
 SRO Ikiya Celestine-Glover M.D. Roberts Middle School  
 Sector 4 High Schools
 SRO Tyrone Welch Elite Scholars Academy 
 SRO Brittany Mack  Jonesboro High School 
 SRO Tierre Roby Jonesboro High School 
 SRO Jason Seda Mt. Zion High School 
 SRO Crystal Webb Stillwell School of the Arts  
 Central Office/Administrative Complex
 CSO Sharon Rodgers  Central Office
 Elementary Task Force
 Evening Watch (2:00 pm - 11:00 pm)
 Sergeant Karen Henry Evening Watch Supervisor  
 Morning Watch (10:00 pm - 7:00 am)
 Sergeant Isaac Britt  Morning Watch Supervisor  
 SRO Anthony Robinson   Morning Watch