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Preschool Special Education

Program Overview

The Preschool Special Education program is designed to provide early intervention services to children, ages 3 to 5, with identified disabilities. Students are provided support through specialized instruction in one or more of five developmental areas including speech/language, cognition, motor, adaptive, and personal/social. The program seeks to integrate intervention activities with play activities. The program further seeks to provide families and community caregivers with the support and information needed to assist young children with disabilities in natural environments.

Young children with disabilities are provided services by various professionals as outlined through Individualized Education Programs. Such services include, but are not limited to, special education instruction, speech and language services, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.

Program Mission
The mission of the Preschool Special Education program is to support children with disabilities through specialized instruction and related services for cognitive, communicative, adaptive, and social growth in order that they may be able to access the curriculum as kindergarten age students.

Accessing Services
Young children are referred to the program through Babies Can't Wait transition or referral. Children are determined eligible for preschool special education services through an evaluation process. The evaluation process involves review of relevant data including developmental and instructional information provided by parents and child caregivers, informal checklists, formal testing, observations, and medical information as applicable.

If you believe that your child or a child in your care is exhibiting significant delays in one or more of the five developmental areas listed above, you can initiate a referral by calling the Preschool Diagnostic Center at (770) 472-2460.