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Student Behavioral Health and Wellbeing

Positively impacting the overall health and wellbeing of all students through the provision of equitable supports and services that promote academic achievement, build resilience, and develop personal empowerment and wellness.

6635 Lake Drive Morrow, GA 30260

Phone Number: 770-473-2700

About Us

The Department of Student Behavioral Health and Well-Being is responsible for the leadership and coordination of services and supports to schools and students in the areas of psychological services, Section 504, and the Student Support Team (SST) process. In addition, we utilize the framework of a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to provide behavioral health support to students. The Schools Partnering to Advance wellness, Resilience and Knowledge (S.P.A.R.K.) framework offers a comprehensive multi-tiered approach to the application of wellbeing supports. This is achieved by focusing on mental health interventions and services that will create safe, inclusive, empowering, and supportive learning environments. Through the creation of these environments we can promote and sustain positive mental wellbeing and optimize academic outcomes for students. The framework further recognizes family and community partnerships as an integral part of student success. The Department also provides oversight of the Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) grant. Within the Department we support the implementation of the Comprehensive Coordinated Early Intervention Support program through psychological services and the Multi Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS).

Our commitment to the district level beliefs outlined in the CCPS Strategic Plan drives our work with students, staff, and families. The comprehensive role of our department within schools is intentionally supported to ensure access to high-quality, equitable behavioral health services for all Clayton County Public Schools students.


Our Department's Objectives
  • Increase school personnel’s capacity to implement evidence-based well-being and academic supports             
  • Implement and evaluate services and supports that enhance the overall behavioral health and well-being of scholars
  • Increase access to well-being resources through the provision psychological services within the MTSS framework


Our Services & Supports

























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