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Contagious Disease Reporting

A contagious disease is defined as a communicable disease that can spread rapidly from person to person through direct contact (touching a person who has the infection), indirect contact (touching a contaminated object), or droplet contact (inhaling droplets made when a person who has the infection coughs, sneezes, or talks). A few examples of contagious diseases include COVID-19, flu, strep throat, stomach virus, conjunctivitis, and measles. Handwashing is the number one way to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. 

CCPS Employees with a Confirmed Contagious Disease: 

  • Do not report to work
  • Consult medical provider, if needed
  • Self-Report to CCPS Contagious Disease Employee Portal (to locate the reporting link on the CCPS webpage, go to the Student Services/Health Services page)
  • Contact Supervisor
  • Self-Isolate per your healthcare provider's recommendations.  According to CDC guidance, the period of isolation for COVID-19 is five days from the initiation of symptoms or if no symptoms are present, the date of the positive COVID-19 test.
  • Return to work per a healthcare provider’s recommendations or fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications
  • Wear a tight-fitting mask when you return to work for an additional five days

Employee’s leave related to communicable disease diagnosis will be entered as Sick Leave.

CCPS Students with a Confirmed Contagious Disease: 

  • Do not report to school
  • Consult medical provider, if needed
  • Self-Report to the CCPS Contagious Disease Student Portal (to locate the reporting link on the CCPS webpage, go to the Student Services/Health Services page)
  • Report diagnosis to teacher 
  • Self-Isolate per your healthcare provider's recommendations. According to CDC guidance, the period of isolation for COVID-19 is five days from the initiation of symptoms or if no symptoms are present, the date of the positive COVID-19 test.
  • Students can return to school per a healthcare provider’s recommendations or be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications.  
  • Encourage the student to wear a tight-fitting mask when they return to school for an additional five days.

Students and their parents are asked to remain in communication with their child’s teacher regarding classroom assignments.  

Hand Washing in Communities:  Clean Hands Save Lives  
Hand Washing in Communities:  Clean Hands Save Lives