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Mission, Vision & Core Beliefs


The Clayton County Public Schools' Counseling, Enrollment & Post-Secondary Readiness Department aligns with the district's mission, vision, core beliefs and strategic goals. 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Counseling, Enrollment & Post-Secondary Readiness Department is to empower all students, Pk-12th grade, to achieve academic, personal/social/emotional, and post-secondary goals through exposure to a Comprehensive & Developmental School Counseling Program that fosters equity, skill development, creativity, critical thinking and access and experiences that build skills in literacy, creativity, critical thinking, tolerance, and the peaceful resolution of conflict. 

Vision Statement

The vision of Counseling, Enrollment & Post-Secondary Readiness Department is to support students' through a Comprehensive & Developmental School Counseling Program to graduate with the skills to pursue and accomplish college, post-secondary training, and/or career opportunities in order to live and compete successfully in a global society.

Core Beliefs

Students have the right to be respected and treated with dignity.
Students can achieve and should be given the opportunity to reach their highest potential.
Students learn best in a safe, supportive and encouraging environment.
Students need to be exposed to opportunities for growth in academic, career and personal/social areas through a data driven school counseling program.
School counseling programs serve every student through advocacy, leadership and education.
School counseling programs are an integral link between students, families, school and community that cultivates student responsibility and academic achievement.
School counselors have a professional responsibility to honor the Ethical Standards of the American School Counselors Association, and to seek ongoing professional development.