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Peer Mediation

It's Peer Mediation Time! 

What is Peer Mediation?

Peer Mediation is a confidential process for resolving conflicts. Participants have the opportunity to talk through their disputes with the help of trained student mediators. Peer mediators do not take sides or place blame on anyone. They listen to all participants and help the participants to develop their own solution to the conflict.

What Kinds of Conflicts can be Peer Mediated?

  • Teasing
  • Disagreements
  • Name-calling Relationships
  • Rumor and Gossip Harassment
  • Cheating and Stealing Fights
  • Vandalism

Why Participate in Peer Mediation?

  • It’s Confidential!
  • Peer Mediators Don’t Take Sides
  • You Can Tell Your Side of the Story

When is the Best Time to Try?

Now! If you are feeling frustrated or angry them about your feelings, mediation can help. If you have already been in fights with a person, mediation can help clear the air. Participating in mediation gives you the opportunity to confront a person you are in conflict with in a non-violent way.

Who can Request Mediation?

Students, teachers, administrators, and parents can request a mediation to help Students resolve conflicts.

How Does Mediation Work?

There are four steps to the mediation process:

Step 1: Introduction & Ground Rules

  • Peer mediators and participants are introduced.
  • Ground rules are agreed upon.

Step 2: Storytelling

  • All participants share their side of the story without interruption.
  • Peer mediators actively listen and help all participants feel understood.

Step 3: Identifying Issues and Needs

  • Participants examine and define their own issues and needs.

Step 4: Finding Solutions

  • Participants create their own solutions to resolve the conflict.
  • Peer mediators write these solutions into an agreement for the parties.

What are the Ground Rules?

  • Do not interrupt
  • No name-calling or put downs
  • Listen and Be Honest
  • Agree to work towards solving the problem
  • Keep what is said in mediation confidential
  • Follow through on your agreement

Who are Peer Mediators?

Peer Mediators are students who are committed to making their school a peaceful place to learn. Mediators come from diverse backgrounds and represent a variety of different experiences. Before they can mediate they receive intensive training in communication, problem solving and conflict resolution including mediation skills.

If you are interested in becoming a peer mediator, talk to your school counselor.