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Special Education

The function of the Department of Exceptional Students is to support and serve students with disabilities through providing appropriate instructional supports and services for a free, appropriate public education as appropriate for student progress.

The Department of Exceptional Students is proud of the support available for providing high quality education to meet the individual needs of students ages three through twenty-one who are eligible for special education and related services according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). 

Our Department is committed to our stakeholders, which is demonstrated in our positive partnerships with families which enable students to reach their full academic potential.  

A full continuum of services and resources are available to meet the unique need of students with disabilities. Supports range from less restrictive to more restrictive environments, depending on the specific needs of the student. The department also supports schools in ensuring students with disabilities appropriately access the Georgia Performance Standards and provide specialized instruction as determined necessary by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) plan. Additionally, the department assists in the assessment process for determining special education eligibility.

 In collaboration with students, schools, families, and the community, the Department of Special Education assists students with disabilities in increasing academic performance and enhancing postsecondary options.

Services provided through the Department of Exceptional Students include (but are not limited to):

  • Develop, review, and implement the Individualized Education Program (IEP) plans
  • Provide a continuum of service supports to assist students in the general education curriculum in a variety of ways
  • Conduct educational testing and determine eligibility for special education services in conjunction with the Department of Psychological Services
  • Lead and Facilitate Professional Development related to needs of teachers and students
  • Accommodate and Modify Instruction according to IEP needs
  • Present educational information to students through Specially Designed Instructional support services
  • Facilitate parent outreach and educate and support families
  • Provide opportunities for student engagement in the community through programs, work training, and athletic and extracurricular assistance
  • Offer specialized preschool Special Education Services through a continuum of support
  • Review and provide specialized supports for autism, behavior, speech, occupational and physical therapy and many other specialized service areas
  • Train teachers and support staff to provide medical support services as needed
  • Provide and maintain adaptive equipment as needed
  • Utilize, provide, and train students, teachers, and parents on a variety of appropriate Assistive Technology resources

Special Announcements