Online Registration FAQs
What is the purpose of online registration?
An online registration system allows parents to register new students when it is most convenient. Parents will have the ability to enter the student’s information and securely upload documents.
Who can use the online registration system?
Only parents and guardians designated with legal rights to student records may use the online enrollment.
What Can Parents/Legal Guardians Do Online?
The online registration process allows a parent/guardian the ability to complete the following forms, update information and tasks prior to visiting the school:
1. Parent contact/demographic information
2. Student contact/demographic information
3. View/approve CCPS student notices
4. Emergency contact information
5. Health services and physician information
6. Medical and mental conditions information
What information do I need to complete the online application?
Before you begin, please gather the following:
1. Household information: address and phone numbers
2. Parent information: work and cell phone numbers, email addresses
3. Student information: demographic and health/medication information
4. Emergency contact: phone numbers
Can I upload documents?
Yes, parents have the option to upload documents. The recommended format is pdf or jpeg. There is a size limitation for each document. The type of documents you can upload are:
1. Evidence of Birth
2. Immunization of Record (Georgia Form 3231)
3. Medical Form
4. Ear, Eye, and Dental (Form 3300)
5. Lease/Deed/Rental Agreement
6. Two Current Utility Bills (Power/Gas/Water)
7. Transcript (8-12)
8. Report (K-8)
What kind of software or computer is needed for online registration?
1. Internet Access
2. Valid email address
3. Computer with a processor speed of 500Mhz or better (MAC or PC)
4. Web Browser — we suggest Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or better, Firefox 19, or Google Chrome 24
5. Adobe ReaderTM — This is a free document reader available for download on the web . There are some Infinite Campus reports that require the Adobe Reader.
Can I access the online registration from my smartphone or tablet?
Yes, you can access the online enrollment system from Android and iOS devices. A computer is preferred.
How secure is online registration?
Infinite Campus uses a 32-bit, secure socket layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect information. The technology is similar to that used in other industries such as health care and banking.
Do I use the online registration system if my student attended the same school last year?
No. Only new students should be enrolled using the online registration.
Can I upload documents?
Yes, parents have the option to upload documents into the registration system.
Can I register more than one student?
Yes. Parents can enroll multiple students in a household at one time.
How long does it take to complete online registration?
The new student online enrollment process takes approximately 30 minutes.
Can I start my registration application now and finish it later?
Yes. Applications can be saved if more data entry is needed and reopened at a later time. Please do not submit your application if additional data entry is required.
Who do I contact if I have questions about online registration?
Please email all questions about new student registration.
How will I know that my registration application was received?
Once the online registration process is completed, parents will receive an email confirmation advising that their registration application has been submitted. Parents should print application for their records.
Once my application is submitted can I go back and make changes?
No. In order to make any changes to a submitted application you will have to email to pull your submitted application.