The Department of Technology has a Wi-Fi network, CCPSEdNet, to accommodate multiple users and the various devices being utilized in the district. This network allows access to resources without compromising the security of our environment. It enables visitors in our buildings to easily access a Wi-Fi connection. Administrators using CCPS issued iPhones should use this Wi-Fi network. CCPSEdNet is used for ALL devices that are not managed by the Department of Technology; iPads, iPods, Samsung tablets, and other Android OS devices are a few examples.
Things to Remember
CCPS staff and faculty should NEVER connect anyone, students or visitors, to the ClaytonCountyPS network. This is a major security breach to our network and your credentials.
CCPS staff and faculty, using their district issued laptops, should always connect to ClaytonCountyPS. This gives you access to needed district applications and your file storage.
All student laptops and Chromebooks automatically connect to a designated Wi-Fi network. Users will not have to change settings with these devices.
CCPSEdNet traffic is filtered and monitored through the district’s content filter.
Students using CCPSEdNet are expected to adhere to the policies and regulations set forth in the district’s board policies as well as the CCPS Student Handbook.
Teachers directing their students to utilize CCPSEdNet should conduct the Digital Citizenship modules with their classes.